ZEX Nitrous Systems

ZEX™ announces the availability of the new ZEX™ Nitrous Oxide System for most cars and trucks. The ZEX™ patented Nitrous Management Unit (NMU) circuit uses bottle pressure as it's reference to regulate how much enriched fuel needs to be added to the engine. Other manufacturer's give a single level of fuel enrichment regardless of the bottle pressure. The ZEX™ difference in approach allows the ZEX™ system to have optimum nitrous to fuel ratios at all bottle pressures, resulting in more horsepower per nitrous used.

The ZEX™ system is unique over existing nitrous systems in that all major components are contained in the patented "Nitrous Management Unit". This unique management unit features the solenoid, electronic throttle switch, and nitrous manifold all in one easily installed engine compartment mounted box.

When armed with the included switch, the ZEX™ nitrous system kicks in electronically at wide-open throttle, thanks to the ZEX™ Nitrous Management Unit. This eliminates locating and activating a switch for each use of nitrous. The ZEX™ nitrous oxide sytem is easy to install, fits most import applications, and includes jets for 55, 65, and 75 and larger horsepower levels.

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